.. box-linux-sync documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Feb 9 22:09:07 2013. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. box-linux-sync - A naïve `Box.com `_ Linux Client ================================================================== An unofficial attempt to create a Linux synchronization client because Box.com does not provide one. Overview -------- File synchronization is currently done using the WebDAV interface provided by Box.com. There is also a `Python API `_ available but I haven't started to mess with it. Requirements ------------ - `Python `_ 2.7 and up (may work on earlier versions, haven't tested). - `Davfs2 `_. To install it use: - Debian, Ubuntu: ``apt-get install davfs2`` - Red Hat, SuSE, Fedora: ``yum install davfs2`` - Gentoo: ``emerge davfs2`` - ArchLinux: ``pacman -S davfs2`` Installation ------------ .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/path/of/your/choice $ git clone git://github.com/noiselabs/box-linux-sync.git Installation via Pip is not currently available. Let's wait for a proper release, OK?. Usage ----- Check environment and setup ``box-sync`` and it's dependencies: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/path/to/box-linux-sync/bin $ ./box-sync check && ./box-sync setup Edit ``~/.noiselabs/box/box-sync.cfg`` to fit your preferences: .. code-block:: bash $ vim ~/.noiselabs/box/box-sync.cfg .. code-block:: cfg ; box-sync.cfg [main] ; Path to your Box sync dir. Use a relative path to place this dir ; inside $HOME or an absolute path. Default: Box box_dir = Box ; Wether to use a WebDAV filesystem to synchronize your local and ; remote files. Default: true use_davfs = true Start synchronization via Davfs: .. code-block:: bash $ ./box-sync start Stop synchronization: .. code-block:: bash $ ./box-sync stop Send ``box-sync`` into oblivion when you get tired of it. This just removes ``box-sync`` configuration files and the repository, not your personal Box.com files (unless you have configured the ``box_sync`` dir to be inside ``~/.noiselabs``). .. code-block:: bash $ ./box-sync uninstall $ rm ~/path/to/box-linux-sync License ------- This application is licensed under the LGPLv3 License. See the `LICENSE file `_ for details. Authors ------- Vítor Brandão - vitor@noiselabs.org ~ `twitter.com/noiselabs `_ ~ `blog.noiselabs.org `_ See also the list of `contributors `_ who participated in this project. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`